Youth Ministry
It is our goal to help each young person grow in their relationship with God.
We believe that every part of the body of Christ is valuable, and we are grateful for the ministry of our youth among us. These are crucial years when young people are beginning to formulate their own thoughts and beliefs, and we desire our youth to fully embrace God’s call on their lives to know and follow Christ. It is not the role of the Church to replace or step-in for parents, but to equip and walk alongside them as they raise our youth up in the Lord.
For this reason, our Youth Ministry is designed for our students, 6th grade through 12th grade, to encourage and equip them in their own spiritual growth. Our Youth Ministry volunteers delight to come alongside and help students. Please join us for fun, worship, and serious study of the Word of God.
Sunday Morning Bible Study
Every Sunday, our Youth Ministry meets together at 9:00 a.m. for fellowship, prayer, and Bible study. Currently, the group is working through Answers in Genesis multi-year study through the whole Bible.
Sunday Afternoon Youth Group
During the school year on Sunday afternoons at 5:00 pm, our teens meet together again for snacks, games, and Bible study. Currently, this group has been studying complementary lessons to the Sunday morning sermon series.
Our Youth Ministry regularly connects together for a variety of special activities. These always fall under one of the following categories: evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, and service. While the type of activity will be different, the goal remains the same – leading teens to know God, to love God, and to love others in practical ways. We aim to teach our teens that the gospel changes everything, including their time together. We want to model gospel-encouraged fun and laughter.
We have several activities planned throughout the year. Visit our church events calendar to find upcoming activities for our students.