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Mercy Ministries

First Baptist Church seeks to follow the Scriptures as closely as possible in regard to extending mercy and care to those in need. The New Testament reveals how Jesus cared for the weak, poor, harassed, and helpless. In addition, the early church cared for those in need. Scripture explicitly commands the people of God to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, provide for the physical and material needs to those who lack, and ultimately to love—not just with our words—but also through our good deeds. The body of Christ should be marked by generosity, sacrifice, and intentional care for each member of her congregation.

  • Garment Rack—We have a clothing ministry for the community through with we try to show the love of Jesus Christ through providing a practical need.

  • Food Pantry—We also partner with other local churches to feed those in need through Samaritian Ministries here in Baker County.

  • First Coast Women’s Center—We partner with the local pregnancy center to show love and support to women who experience unplanned pregnancies.

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